Fira Barcelona Gran Via, 19-22 January 2026

Clarion Gaming's Responsibilities

Clarion Gaming's Responsibilities

Clarion Events aims to set the benchmark standard for managing health and safety in exhibitions. Ensuring safety is not just a moral and legal obligation; it is vital for the success of every event. We understand that exhibitors depend on us to create a safe trading environment. Running a public event adds to our responsibility, extending care to staff, exhibitors, contractors, venue staff, visitors, and the public. We aim not only to meet legal requirements but also to continuously enhance our health and safety framework to support our clients' business goals. The show director is accountable for health and safety at iGB Affiliate.

It is the policy of Clarion Gaming to ensure that all employees, contractors, and visitors are provided with a healthy and safe working environment and is committed to providing adequate control of Health and Safety risks arising from this event. We recognise that we have overall responsibility for the event and for the co-ordination of the activities of the contractors, our staff and service providers on site.

Clarion Gaming has the following responsibilities:

  • To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions in accordance with the statutory requirements.
  • To provide and maintain plant and equipment as required for safe working conditions.
  • To make available all information, instruction, and training, safety devices and personal protective equipment.
  • To maintain interest in health & safety matters that are associated with the Company’s activities and for its Management to set an example in all matters of health and safety.
  • To ensure there is a consulting mechanism between employees, contractors and management concerning Health, Safety & Welfare.
  • To comply with legislation, both statutory, regulatory, and accepted code of practice to establish minimum standards that will be maintained and improved wherever possible.

Where appropriate, the risks have been assessed and controls put into place to minimise the risks. Clarion Gaming have reviewed current safety management and practices in line with the United Kingdom’s Health and Safety Executive’s L153 guidance document.

Clarion Gaming fulfils several duties in operating the overall event site. All exhibitors and their contractors have been made aware of their responsibilities and relevant safety documentation is requested and recorded as part of the space only stand plan submission process.

The official contractors and the venue services appointed by the Organiser’s fulfil further responsibilities being ‘Designers’ and ‘Contractors’ with respective responsibilities across the whole exhibition site as controlled by the Organiser.

To ensure that we manage construction and dismantling at the event safely the company will:

  • Eliminate or control risks so far as is reasonably practicable.
  • Ensure work is carefully planned.
  • Appoint the right people and organisations at the right time.
  • Make sure that everyone working for the company has the right information, instruction, training, and supervision to carry out their work safely and without risks to health.
  • Have systems in place to help parties cooperate and communicate with each other and coordinate their work.
  • Consult workers with a view to securing effective heath safety and welfare measures.
  • Ensure any actions required are sensible and proportionate to the risk.
Clarion Gaming's Risk Assessment

Clarion Events has conducted suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks associated with this event, details of which can be obtained from the either our Customer Success team or via the onsite Organisers Office’s. General risks associated with any exhibition are as follows:

  • Multiple contractors working in a single workplace.
  • Fall from working at heights or working on a live edge.
  • Objects falling from height or loads falling from vehicles.
  • Impact injury from moving vehicles.
  • Structural collapse of seating or an exhibition stand.
  • Outbreak of Legionnaires disease from a water feature.
  • Food poisoning incident from temporary catering outlet.
  • Fire.
  • Major incident and civil emergency.
  • Excessive working hours.

This is an overview and by no means a comprehensive account of the risks involved at iGB Affiliate. It is the absolute duty of all parties to ensure that a suitable and sufficient risk assessments are conducted on all risks.

Local regulation and associated guidance also require that risks should be mitigated with a view to achieving maximum reduction in the level of risk within the bounds of what is reasonably practicable. In general terms, emphasis should always be placed on eliminating or reducing risk at source. It must be remembered that personal protective equipment is usually a control of last resort.