Exhibitor Press Releases

WebPartners Affiliate Program

13 Apr 2022

WebPartners Affiliate Program

WebPartners Affiliate Program

WebPartners is a fully integrated performance-based Gambling Affiliate Program. Our support team consists of marketing and account mangers to assist our Web Partners (Affiliates) monetize their web traffic into real leads and real money players.

WebPartners is a fully integrated performance-based Gambling Affiliate Program. Our support team consists of marketing and account mangers to assist our Web Partners (Affiliates) monetize their web traffic into real leads and real money players.

Affiliates are offered the opportunity to earn commissions from their on-going marketing efforts from the player referral activity. We help provide you the affiliate with all the necessary marketing tools to be successful in driving good player traffic to our brands.

Affiliates are given access to 5 brands at webpartners and they can subscribe to only 1 or opt-in to all 5. You do not need to promote all 5 brands. Many affiliates start with one brand, one niche and build upon their traffic. It is a single wallet affiliate account meaning you can subscribe to more than 1 brand if you wish. Simply ask your designated account manager to assist if you don’t see the brand in your profile.

WebPartners offers well-recognized and trusted sports betting brands:,, and two exciting standalone Casino (only) brands: and

The Sportsbooks cover the widest selection of betting lines on all major sport leagues and sporting events worldwide. They support in-game betting, live dealer casino, 3D slots, BJ tournaments and the best loyalty program in the industry. WebPartners makes it easy to convert prospective leads into real-money players when promoting these brands.

The Casino software platforms include suppliers; BLR Tech, Arrow’s EDGE, DGS, Betsoft, Proprietary, ViG, and Concept Gaming.

WebPartners has unique, effective marketing materials and promotions made readily available to all affiliates. We also offer custom promotions and promo codes for our top performing affiliates to push out to their exclusive audiences. The range of Affiliate plans covers all three commission structures: Cost per Account (CPA), Revenue Share and or the Hybrid deals. Payments are made promptly each month on net 30 terms.

Do yourself a favor and check them out for yourself, you will be wealthier if you did.

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