Location and dates


20-23 JANUARY 2025

Covid-19 Latest

iGB Affiliate London Biosafety Statement 

Updated as of Thursday 3 January 2024

COVID Guidance

At iGB Affiliate London your safety is our number one priority.

In line with the latest UK Government guidance, iGB Affiliate London no longer requires COVID passports to access the venue. Despite this we will still be taking responsible steps to ensure the event is protected from COVID transmission. Please see below for our latest guidance and biosafety measures:

Self-Assessment  – Before coming to iGB Affiliate London each day  we ask everyone to take the time to self-assess. Are you feeling well? Do you have any symptoms of COVID including  high fever, a continuous cough, change in your sense of smell or taste? If you have any of symptoms of COVID-19 please stay away.

Risk Assessment – We will still assess the prevalence of COVID-19 and assess each element of the event and implement appropriate measures to eliminate or reduce the likelihood of transmission at our event.

Cleaning, Hygiene & Ventilation – A more regular and deep cleaning regime, the provision of sanitising stations, ensuring adequate ventilation and the wearing of PPE (personal protection equipment) for key hygiene staff means we reduce the likelihood of the virus being spread. 

Mask Friendly Event - Wearing a face covering or mask will not be compulsory at iGB Affiliate London, per the UK Government guidance. Exhibitors and attendees are however welcome to wear them should they wish.

Communication & Training – We have continued to communicate all the relevant information on biosafety measures with our audience via our website, newsletter and press releases. Onsite, our exhibitors and guests will be advised of how they can help keep the event safe via signage reminding them of the basics; regular hand washing, making extra space and covering coughs and sneezes. 

Travel Advice - If you need advice on entry requirements into the UK, please refer to the official government guidance available here

Do I have to wear a mask at iGB Affiliate London 2024? 

Wearing a face covering or mask will not be compulsory at iGB Affiliate London. Exhibitors and attendees are however welcome to wear them should they wish. 

Are COVID statuses being checked upon entry to iGB Affiliate London 24?

No, we are not checking COVID statuses at iGB Affiliate London. 

We do ask attendees who have recently tested positive for COVID or those displaying any of the symptoms to stay away from the event. We recommend a daily self-assessment: 

  • High Fever? 

  • Continuous cough? 

  • Change in your sense of smell or taste? 

If you are displaying any of these symptoms, please stay away. 

Whilst at the event we ask all attendees to continue to follow the basics; regular hand washing, making extra space and covering coughs and sneezes. Masks are optional and a personal choice